Archives in Germany
© 1995-2000 by Andreas Hanacek
[Deutsche Version] | [What's new on this server] | [Genealogy page Hanacek]
Additional information on German archives (also on not mentioned ones)- especially about opening hours, technical equipment and genealogical stock - are appreciated.
Comments and suggestions please to:
I) Notes
- All following pages are in German, but most of the text is addresses and literature citations; most of the common German terms are listed and translated below
- All cited phone numbers are representing the "within Germany" form, dialing from abroad requires to drop the leading 0 and adding the national area code for Germany (probably 0049) (Example: 01234-456789 -> +49-1234-456789)
- All cited locations, administration districts and countries are representing the German spelling
II) Common German Terms
- Bundesland -> land of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Regierungsbezirk -> primary administrative division of a "Bundesland" - something like a district
- Landkreis -> administrative division of a "Regierungsbezirk" - something like a county
- kreisfreie Stadt -> town with the administrative rank of a "Landkreis"
- Hauptstaatsarchiv, Landeshauptarchiv -> archives corresponding to the area of a "Bundesland"
- Staatsarchiv, Landesarchiv -> archives corresponding to the area of a "Regierungsbezirk"
- Kreisarchiv -> archives corresponding to the area of a Landkreis
- Stadtarchiv -> town archives
- Universitätsarchiv -> university archives
- Bistum -> diocese, bishopric
- Diözese -> diocese
- Diözesanarchiv -> archives of a diocese
- Tel: -> phone
- Öffnungszeiten -> opening hours
- Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr -> Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
- Veröffentlichungen -> publications
- siehe auch -> see also
- zurück zu -> back to
A) State and Private Archives
The archives are sorted by "Bundesländer" and their administrative subdivisions and by the area of responsiblity. Within the "Landkreise" the "Kreisarchiv" (if known or existent) is listed first, the other archives are listed alphabetically by their location. If the corresponding administrative subdivision for a location isn't known, it can be determined through using GEOserv (by Arthur Teschler, Gießen, Germany). Furthermore is the assignment of a location to a "Landkreis" often shown in a road atlas
If the searched location isn't listed (yet), it is recommended to direct the inquiry to the corresponding "Kreisarchiv", which should be able to forward it. Many municipalities and also smaller towns have deposited their archives material in the "Kreisarchiv". Furthermore are in town archives of smaller town often only part time or honorary archivists occupied, so that a response to an inquiry can require up to some months.
B) Church Archives
The Church Archives are listed alphabetically by their locations.
C) Archives of Concerns
The Archives are listed alphabetically by the name of the concern within the corresponding country the location of the archives is belonging to.
D) Military Archives
The Military Archives are listed alphabetically by their collection areas.
E) Special Archives
Appendix A: Further Listings of Archives
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Comments and suggestions please to:
Last update: 20-May-2000 / First publication: Sept. 1996
© 1995-2000 by Andreas Hanacek

accesses since August 17th, 1997 00:00 a.m.