The listing shows all researched families of the Ahnentafel of Andreas Hanacek.
All listed families are without exception catholic.
The place names represent the German spelling of the year 1930. The today used Czech names are listed in brackets.
The following cited places can be mostly found in the surrounding of the towns Sternberg (Sternberk), Mährisch-Neustadt (Unicov) and Bärn (Moravsky Beroun) - former political counties Sternberg and Bärn - . Exceptions are Vazany (Middle Moravia, because of equivocalness not further determined until yet) and Wermsdorf (Vernirovice), Weickersdorf (Vikyrovice) which are situated north-east of Mährisch-Schönberg (Sumperk)
The remarks in brackets (Hans Bahlow) and (Johann Neumann) are referring to the following sources:
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