Programming project: Grading aspects

Data structures



The concurrency and parallel or distributed programming aspect can be addressed using methods from parallel scientific computing, e.g. MPI, or using methods from robotics such as the C++ API for ROS (rclcpp).

Are your data structures and algorithms, and their implementation, parallelized in a way that will still work well if a large version of the problem is solved with a large number of parallel processes (MPI ranks, ROS nodes, etc.)?

Observation: It is not strictly required to submit a parallelized code just to pass the module, if you are not aiming at the best possible grade. Up to 50% of the grade for this aspect are accessible without submitting a parallelized code, based on a discussion of what you would do and how it would perform, e.g., possible parallelized algorithms and data structures. (And of course you can still pass even with a 0% grade from the "concurrency" aspect.)

Overall grading scheme