
HP Desk, UNIX e-mail and cc:Mail

(Thomas Zscherpel, Germany, 1993)

Within the first days at HP you will discover how powerful these two tools are to communicate with other people. The disadvantage is, that they also cause some trouble, because not everybody is used to their user-friendly user-interface. Here is a brief description how to send messages ...

HP Desk to UNIX

For those who don't know how to send a mail from HPdesk to an email address, run HPdesk as you normally would, and use the following address format:

TO: user/hp????/um (user@host)
user is the UNIX users login name (I think it can be a dummy)
hp???? is the location of the OpenMail gateway that you use (use the same as your HPdesk location)
user@host is the email address

Example: Thomas Zscherpel wants to send a mail to Stefan Wengi:

TO: stefanw/hp0000/um (
Thomas uses hp0000 because it is his(!) HPdesk location!
HPdesk will respond with "Name not found, but location and sublocation OK, name accepted", but that message can be ignored.
This will work for any email address all over the world, it is not HP intern !

UNIX to HP Desk

To send a mail from UNIX to HPdesk, use the following address format:

hp???? is the desk location where the HPdesk user is registered
You don't need to specify the HPdesk sublocation.

Example: You want to send a mail to Judith Leuenberger (she is on HPdesk):

This will also work for non-hp-people who want to send a mail to your HPdesk !

Lotus cc:Mail to UNIX (Internet):

Click 'Message' then select 'New Message'. Then click on the 'Address' button and select 'Any Name or Post Office' from the Menu that appears. Then enter an adress based on the following scheme into the box that comes up (or use the 'Internet Address' button):

name(internet address)/non-hp-unix
So, if you want to send a message to the internet address '' you need to enter
The first 'cjans' can be replaced by anything that is unique (you can't use the same name twice, I think).
Then hit 'add to list' and select it from the list below. Then click 'OK'.

UNIX (Internet) to cc:Mail:

That's a whole different story. Sadly, HP's external (Internet) e-mail addresses are usually quite complicated (mine was So ask your manager or adin about this. There's supposedly shortcuts of the format (eg, for everyone, but they don't work for all of us.
