(taken from: Andreas Hanacek, "Kleiner Wegweiser für die Familienforschung im Kreis Sternberg und Umgebung in Nordmähren (Entwurf)" [Little guide for genalogical research in the county Sternberg and its surrounding area in North Moravia (draft version)])
Hermann-Opitz-Bibliothek, Berliner Platz 11, 44623 Herne
[German literature of the former east-German areas, about 58.000 volumes, magazines and newspapers]
Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Institut, Bibliothek und Archiv, Gisonenweg 5-7,
35037 Marburg
[Extended literature about all former east German areas and east-middle-europe]
Haus des Deutschen Ostens, Bismarkstraße 90, 40210 Düsseldorf
[picture archives, about 41.000 volumes about the collecting area among them about 1500 volumes permanent loan from the association east-German genealogists, maps]
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