Artificial Intelligence (CO3519): Coursework Assessment

UCLan "brief" version of the assessment specification

AI demonstrator implementation


The AI demonstrator implementation is a tool or software component that meaningfully applies content from the AI module to an interesting use case. It is supported by brief documents summarizing the use case, the software architecture, and how the material from the lecture and/or the suggested reading are related to your work.

The level of development expected from this work is at least that of a proof of concept, demonstrating that further development could make it ready for a real-life application scenario.

Submission: By 2nd April 2022, end of day (24.00 hours, BST time zone), via Blackboard. The whole work (software and other documents) should be submitted as one archive file, e.g., in zip, tar.gz, or tar.bz2 format. It should contain one folder src/ with all source files (e.g., py or ipynb files) and additionally, one folder component-X/ per component, with X being the number of the respective component as given below.

Mandatory components:
  1. A use-case documentation and summary of requirements deduced from the use case.
  2. A demonstrator architecture specification component, documenting the module learning outcomes no. 1 to 3:
    1. Explain the theoretical underpinnings of algorithms and techniques specific to artificial intelligence.
    2. Critically evaluate the principles and algorithms of artificial intelligence.
    3. Analyse and evaluate the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence and computing.
Elective components:
  1. An optimization component.
  2. A decision making and/or decision support and/or agent function component.
  3. A data-driven modelling component.
  4. A game-related component.
  5. A knowledge representation and/or knowledge-base component.

Out of the five elective components mentioned above, at least two need to be included. It is recommended that you start working first, and then decide toward the end in what respects your work is strongest, presenting these as your two elective components. While it is permitted to submit more than two elective components, this will not in general tend to improve the grade (see the grading scheme below).

Group work by up to four people is welcome. If you work as a group, specify exactly one main caretaker for each component, such that each group member is mentioned as the main caretaker for at least one component.

Components and deliverables

1. Use-case documentation and summary

The use case should be of interest to you. Ideally, it is related to other work that you have been doing or plan to do outside the context of this module, for example, in one of the other modules, as a third-year project, or possibly plans for future research and development, within an academic context or outside it.

Recommendations for selecting a use case include:

Deliverable D1: Describe a) the use case and b) software requirements deduced from the use case in a two-page A4 document. Literature references do not count toward the page limit. This document should be included in the component-1/ folder of the submitted archive; in group work, it must explicitly identify the main caretaker for component no. 1.

2. Architecture specification

The architecture specification should describe the interaction between the system and a potential user and make it clear how its parts interact and are integrated into one coherent system. Documentation should be provided to a sufficient level such that a developer or user with a disciplinary background in computing can validate, test, employ, and further develop your code.

If you begin your work from scratch, building on nothing (or only on teaching material provided within the module), say so explicitly. If you build on pre-existing work by yourself and others, which is very welcome, include an appropriate statement in the architecture specification. In that case, make it very clear what part of the submission constitutes the present work, since only this will be taken into account for grading.

Deliverable D2: Submit a three-page A4 document summarizing the architecture, relating to the use-case requirements identified above (see component no. 1). The architecture specification should in all brevity explain the employed techniques, and it should critically evaluate the involved design choices (against possible alternatives). Literature references do not count toward the page limit. This document should be included in the component-2/ folder of the submitted archive; in group work, it must explicitly identify the main caretaker for component no. 2. new part developed within the present coursework; only that part will be taken into account for grading.

Any required technical documentation should also be included in the component-2/ folder. This also does not count toward the page limit mentioned above.

3. to 7. Elective components

The submission should make it clear which of the major topics from the lecture are addressed by your work, including at least two out of:

  1. Optimization (module part 1, corresponding to elective component no. 3)
  2. Agents and Decisions (module part 2, corresponding to elective component no. 4)
  3. Modelling (module part 3, corresponding to elective component no. 5)
  4. Game Theory (module part 4, corresponding to elective component no. 6)
  5. Knowledge Representation (module part 5, corresponding to elective component no. 7)

By the assessment release date, only parts 1 to 3 have been covered in the lectures; as specified above, you are nonetheless permitted (but not required) to include the topics to be discussed further onward, e.g., based on the suggested literature and the upcoming lectures and tutorial sessions (since the deadline is in early April 2022).

In line with the two or more included elective components, two or more deliverables DX and DY are to be submitted, with X and Y being any of the numbers 3 to 7 as mentioned above. They should consist of a one-pager that makes it clear in what way your work relates to the respective part of the CO3519 module, based on content discussed in the lecture or the tutorials, the recommended literature, or any independent research that you may have conducted on related topics. The main point of the one-pager is to establish that your work is on topic. In group work, the main caretaker for each component must be identified. Literature references do not count toward the page limit. Additionally, it should be stated (in a separate document or an appendix, or in any other intelligible way) what parts of the code are to be graded as part of this component.

Submit the documents mentioned above in the component-X/ folder of the submitted archive, where X is the component number.

Overall grading scheme

The components contribute to the grade as follows:

It may be tactically advisable to submit the two strongest aspects of your work as elective components. Note that based on the scheme above, including additional components that receive a lower grade will lead to a lower overall grade.

Grading criteria

1st criteria (70% to 100%)
2.1 criteria (60% to 69%)
2.2 criteria (50% to 59%)
Pass criteria (40% to 49%)