Artificial Intelligence (CO3519) Tutorial 3.1: Calendar Week 47

3.1 Use case for an AI demonstrator implementation


The graded coursework assessment, which contributes 60% to the overall grade of the module, will demonstrate the successful attainment of the module's learning outcomes, in particular, the competency to implement artificial intelligence algorithms. The precise specification of the assessment task will be released as soon as possible; according to the present plan, it will involve the development of a demonstrator implementation, documenting the success at reaching the learning outcomes. Most work to be done in the tutorial sessions from now onward until the end of March 2022 will revolve around this major task.

Note that the tutorial worksheets do not contribute to the grade as such; they are intended to provide guidance and support structured discussions on potential aspects of the work, in a way that also relates to the content of the lectures.

Use case

Before beginning serious work on the demonstrator, it will be advisable to identify a suitable topic based on a potential use case. Recommendations for such a use case include:

The task now is to select and briefly describe such a potential use case. This does not commit you to retaining this use case as a scenario for your graded coursework. The work on the demonstrator will only be graded after the submission of the demonstrator as a whole.

Submission deadline: 11th December 2021; discussion planned for 21st January 2022. Group work by up to four people is welcome.