NMBU, DAT390: Data science seminar (autumn 2023)
- Seminar: Monday, 14.15 - 16.00, U328 (urbygninga).
Seminar days include every Monday from 11.9. (week 37) to 4.12. (week 49).
Instructor: Martin Thomas Horsch (office: TF2-303A)
Reviewing the state of the art
- Schedule (week 38 to 40)
- First lecture, second lecture (besøksrapport 25.9.), and third lecture slides
- Notes: Week-38 seminar (18.9.)
- Tasks: Submit topic by 22.9., first group meeting by 29.9., literature review "draft report" by 6.10.
- Literature:
- K. Berland, V. R. Cooper, K. Lee, E. Schröder, et al., "Van der Waals forces in density functional theory: A review of the vdW-DF method," Rep. Prog. Phys. 78: 066501, doi:10.1088/0034-4885/78/6/066501, 2015 (preprint: arXiv:1412.6827 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])
- S. Ranasinghe, F. Al Machot, H. C. Mayr, "A review on applications of activity recognition systems with regard to performance and evaluation," Int. J. Distrib. Sensor Netw. 12(8): doi:10.1177/1550147716665520, 2016
Research methodology
- Highlight talk schedule: Weeks 41 and 42, week 43, week 45
- First lecture, second lecture, and third lecture slides
- Notes: Week-41 seminar (9.10.), poll to schedule a NORRN node meeting (16.10.), activity proposals submitted by groups (21.10.), week-44 seminar (30.10.)
- Tasks: Group collaboration plan and proposal by 20.10., first round of peer review by 27.10., second round of peer review by 10.11., nearly finished report including methodology by 10.11.
- Nettskjema questionnaire (open until 24.10.) and results from the mid-term evaluation of DAT390
- Literature and documentation:
- M. Al-Ghazali, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, ∼1100 (translation by M. E. Marmura, Provo: Brigham Young Univ. Press, ISBN 978-0-84252466-7, 2000)
- J. M. Durán, N. Formanek, "Grounds for trust: Essential epistemic opacity and computational reliabilism," Minds Machin. 28(4): 645-666, doi:10.1007/s11023-018-9481-6, 2018
- NMBU (approved by rector), Guidelines research data management at NMBU, 2018
- H. E. Plesser, "Reproducibility vs. replicability: A brief history of a confused terminology," Front. Neuroinform. 11: 76, doi:10.3389/fninf.2017.00076, 2018
- Universitets- og høgskolerådet, Standardized assessment form (Attachment to "Descriptions of grades for master's theses in mathematics, natural sciences and technology"), 2012
Research impact and ethics
- Highlight talk schedule: Weeks 46 and 47, week 48
- First lecture, second lecture, and third lecture slides
- Notes: Week-47 seminar (20.11.), week-48 seminar (27.11.)
- Tasks: Revised group proposals by 17.11., select proposals for final round by 30.11.
- Literature and documentation:
- EC Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI), Brussels: EC, ISBN 978-92-76-20009-3, doi:10.2759/002360, 2020
- GDPR.eu project (H2020 GA no. 791727), How to conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment, 2017-2018
- J. Hjellbrekke, L. Drivdal, H. Ingierd, O. B. Rekdal, et al., Etikk og integritet i forskning: Resultater fra en landsomfattende undersøkelse, Oslo & Bergen: FEK - HVL - UiB, ISBN 978-82-7682-080-5, 2018
- NENT, Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for naturvitenskap og teknologi, Oslo: FEK, ISBN 978-82-7682-073-7, 2015
- NMBU (approved by styret), Retningslinjer: Behandling av mistanke om fusk eller annen uredelig opptreden ved NMBU, 2012 (last changed 2015)
- NMBU (approved by rector), Etiske retningslinjer for NMBU, 2021
Final report and perspective
Important dates and deadlines:
Any examples from this module are released by NMBU REALTEK's Institutt for datavitskap under the conditions of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike).