First round of peer review
In this round, the proposals by the following four groups are evaluated by anonymous peer review:
- The Second Land Pirate
- The Overfitters
- Genetic Prophesiers
- The Forecasters
The three evaluation criteria are Synergy, Activity, and Outcome, where each proposal will be evaluated against each criterion on a scale from 0 to 5.
If you belong to one of the groups mentioned above, you participate in this round as a presenter (through your group's presentation), not as an evaluator. If you belong to one of the other four groups, you will find an information on Canvas - in the submission/response system - saying which of the proposals you should rank on which of the criteria. If you don't find the information, select one of the four proposals and one of the three criteria at random. When evaluating, consider the following:
- Keep your submission anonymous, as the reviews for the two winning groups will be shared with them, so that they can continue to improve their proposal for the next round. Don't include any information that will allow people to infer who you are.
- Both the written submission and the oral presentation given on 23rd October should be considered to the extent that they provide relevant insights on what is planned.
- Clearly state which proposal you are reviewing against which criterion, and what score you think it deserves, from 0 to 5. Use an integer score, where 3 (corresponding to a C grade) is the neutral value for an average, good submission.
- Provide a brief explanation why you are ranking the proposal the way you are. If it is a 3, 4 or 5, explain in what ways it is specially convincing, and for a 1, 2 or 3, state the main shortcomings. The score 0 should only be used if the criterion has not been addressed at all, both in writing and in the seminar presentation.
- If you want, you can give the group some advice and ideas how to further improve the proposal. It will be shared with them if they win against the group that they directly compete with.
(submit through Canvas by end of 27th October 2023)