First round of peer review

In this round, the proposals by the following four groups are evaluated by anonymous peer review:

  1. The Second Land Pirate
  2. The Overfitters
  3. Genetic Prophesiers
  4. The Forecasters

The three evaluation criteria are Synergy, Activity, and Outcome, where each proposal will be evaluated against each criterion on a scale from 0 to 5.

If you belong to one of the groups mentioned above, you participate in this round as a presenter (through your group's presentation), not as an evaluator. If you belong to one of the other four groups, you will find an information on Canvas - in the submission/response system - saying which of the proposals you should rank on which of the criteria. If you don't find the information, select one of the four proposals and one of the three criteria at random. When evaluating, consider the following:

(submit through Canvas by end of 27th October 2023)
