Task (week 40): Submit the literature review
Recommended content
The document that you write should be a normal text in academic language and form, summarizing the state of the art in your area of work.
- The number of references should be between 12 and 24, and they should all be journal articles, conference papers, or equivalent high-quality sources that are generally considered citeable in an academic context (e.g., patents, international standards, research and development policy papers, or books that are higher-level than textbooks intended for teaching).
- Ask your master thesis advisor for the three most relevant papers that are a must read for your work, and begin with having a look at these. From there, it will also be easy to find more references that will be relevant to your work. If your advisor cannot competently recommend the most relevant recent literature on your topic, this is a good moment to change your advisor, change your topic, or both.
- Do not narrate others' work. Instead, look at it from your perspective - it will be different from the original authors' perspective. Where 99% of a cited paper are irrelevant to your perspective, your reader does not need to be told about these parts, only about the 1% relevant information.
- Write normal, coherent academic text. Do not write "reference X is important because …, reference Y is important because …". Instead, focus on how you would describe the state of the art, and bring in the references appropriately.
- Include your ORCID in a footnote. If you don't have one yet, create it here.
Recommended format
- Use the LaTeX template for theses issued by the REALTEK Departments of Physics and Data Science. Alternatively, use the LaTeX article class with 11pt font size in A4 paper format.
- Use BibTeX for your literature and, for formatting the references, follow common practice in the field; i.e., look how your cited papers usually reference their cited papers and emulate that - this will make you look most professional.
- Submit through Canvas by the end of 4th October 2024.
- Also send your literature review directly to your peer reviewer to receive additional feedback (and give feedback to them). You can find the groups for peer review on Canavas.