Note: Coding sessions, with optional attendance, for solving the course assignments and working on the programming project, are held on Wednesdays, 18.00 - 19.30, in B-B1-08.
Introduction to computational engineering, data structures and algorithms, and numerical methods. This course is oriented towards acquiring programming practice. Using the C/C++ programming language, the participants develop codes, document, test and optimize them, and measure the achieved performance.
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Thomas Horsch,, B-F2-18, +964 53 511 1983.
Office hours: Monday and Tuesday, 10.45 - 11.45, B-F2-18.
Tutorial assignments:
Exam problems:
Online Reference Material:
Integrated Development Environment: Code::Blocks with MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows)
Performance measurement example (LMS/Moodle backup)