Note: Q&A and problem solving sessions will be held on Saturdays, 12.30 - 14.00, B-F1-38. Dates: Jan 27, Mar 10, Apr 7, and (Sunday) Apr 29.
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, including fluid statics and dynamics, equations of motion, dimensional analysis, boundary layers, flow in pipes, turbulence, fluid machinery, potential flow, Bernoulli and Navier-Stokes equations, and aerodynamics, including laboratory work to illustrate the concepts. Experiments may include fluid statics, forces on submerged bodies, manometers, surface tension, flow visualization, viscous flow in pipes, flow about bodies, and related topics.
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Thomas Horsch,, B-F2-18, +964 53 511 1983.
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 13.30 - 15.00, B-F2-18.
Student presentations:
Laboratory work:
Exam problems: