1. Remember to connect to the VPN before trying to log onto Orion: https://na.nmbu.no/ 2. At first, to log in on Orion, you will need to type your password: ssh inf205-2024-@login.orion.nmbu.no (or using putty under Windows) 3. When logged in on Orion, do change your initial password to a new one: passwd 4. Note that you can copy files from the local system to Orion using scp, for example: scp test_file inf205-2024-@login.orion.nmbu.no:~ 5. You cannot connect back from Orion to your system. If you want to collect files from Orion, you need to do so from your local system as well: scp inf205-2024-@login.orion.nmbu.no:~/test_file file_collected_from_orion The following will simplify the login if you have a Linux or Mac system. 6. On Orion, create an .ssh folder, and set its permissions to 700 (i.e., rwx for user only): mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh 7. On your local system, if you don't have a local ssh key yet (normally, you do), create it using: ssh-keygen 8. Make your local public key an authorized key on Orion's login node, by copying it as follows: scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub inf205-2024-@login.orion.nmbu.no:~/.ssh/authorized_keys 9. On Orion, set the rights for the authorized_keys file to 600 (i.e., rw for user only): chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 10. You will now be able to connect using ssh and scp without entering the password.