Jocki’s WWW Sites

Hello with This is my personal link collection, which I primarily use as a bookmark page. Feel free to use it as well.

Invalid query: $query

"); # first entry first, without Dot $arr = mysqli_fetch_array($result); echo ""; $i = 1; # now the rest with preceding Dot while ($arr = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { if (($i % 5) == 0) { echo "\n"; } echo ""; $i = $i +1; } if (($i % 4) != 1) { echo "\n"; } echo "
"; echo "\"red\"\n"; echo "$arr[Name]\n"; echo "
"; echo "\"red\"\n". "". htmlentities($arr['Name'])."\n"; echo "
\n"; mysqli_free_result($result); ?>
" method="post" accept-charset="ISO-8859-15"> Search for Links:

\n"; } $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die ("

Invalid query: $query

"); $MainCat = mysqli_fetch_array( $result); # Subcategory index $query = "SELECT * from $tCategory WHERE Father='$MainCat[ID]' ". "ORDER BY Name"; if ( isset($Debug) ) { echo "


\n"; } $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die ("

Invalid query: $query

"); $category = mysqli_fetch_array($result); if ($category <> "") { # there are categories without sub categories. echo "Jump directly to: $category[Name]\n"; while ($category = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "\"red\"$category[Name]\n"; } } # Listing of all links, the output echo "

$MainCat[Name]"; if (isset($Edit) AND ($Edit == 1)) { echo " (Edit". " Sub". " Link)"; } echo "

\n\n"; printCategory( $MainCat['ID'], $MainCat['ID']); # Listing of all subcategories $query = "SELECT * from $tCategory WHERE Father='$MainCat[ID]' ". "ORDER BY Name"; if ( isset($Debug) ) { echo "


\n"; } $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die ("

Invalid query: $query

"); while ($category = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "

$category[Name]"; if (isset($Edit) AND ($Edit == 1)) { echo " ". "($category[ID])"; } echo "

\n"; printCategory( $category['ID'], $MainCat['ID']); } mysqli_free_result($result); } ?>
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