The "nearly finished report" is a preliminary version of the DAT390 report. Building on the literature review, you are additionally expected to describe the methodology for your own research effort. The methodology must be validated or demonstrated, e.g., through preliminary results or a feasibility study. The report should roughly be like a conference paper in data science related fields, where it is common practice to publish work with preliminary results or feasibility studies as contributions to conference proceedings.
Since this is a draft version of the complete report, please do include the analysis of the state of the art again, since you will need to do that in the final version as well.
You can follow any form and style as long as it is in line common established practices in the relevant academic fields. As before, it is recommended to use the LaTeX template for theses issued by the REALTEK Departments of Physics and Data Science or, alternatively, the LaTeX article class with 11pt font size in A4 paper format.
The specifications for the "nearly finished report" are the same as for the final report:
The "nearly finished report" will not be graded and does not contribute to your grade in DAT390, which is determined from the final report only. (See the list of criteria.) You will receive feedback on the following aspects of your work:
If you use the LaTeX template for theses in Data Science and Physics, please edit line 99 in the file NMBU.cls to say "DAT390 Report" instead of "Master's Thesis" and, where the template main.tex file contains \credits{30}, write \credits{5}.