NMBU, INF205: Resource-efficient programming (spring 2024)

Instructor: Martin Thomas Horsch (office: TF2-303A)


Recommended literature:

Stroustrup's short "tour of C++" will be the main resource; in addition to the above, the other well-known C++ books by Stroustrup can be of interest as well.



  1. Introduction
  2. C/C++ programming
  3. Data structures
  4. Concurrency
  5. Production

Programming project:

Find more information here.

Important dates and deadlines:

First lecture:5th February 2024, 14.15 CET (TF1-102)
Lab 1 deadline:13th February 2024, 24.00 CET
Lab 2 deadline:27th February 2024, 24.00 CET
Lab 3 deadline:12th March 2024, 24.00 CET
Lab 4 deadline:2nd April 2024, 24.00 CEST
Lab 5 deadline:23rd April 2024, 24.00 CEST
Project deadline:7th May 2024, 24.00 CEST


Any examples from this module are released by NMBU REALTEK's Institutt for datavitskap under the conditions of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike).
