NMBU, INF205: Resource-efficient programming (autumn 2022)

Team: Martin Horsch (office: TF2-303A), Jorge Hermoso.

University resources:


Stroustrup's "Tour of C++" is a compact book presenting modern C++ to readers with a solid background in programming. It is the main literature source for the module.

Supporting literature and other books that could be of interest:


The glossary document introduces and defines selected key concepts.


  1. C++ basics
  2. Data structures
  3. Concurrency
  4. Production
  5. Parallel data
  6. Project presentations

Programming project:

See more information here.

Projects should be done by groups of three participants jointly; groups of two are also possible.

Coding group work is carried out from week 43 to week 48. Mandatory presentation and discussion are held in weeks 48, 49, and 50.


The code examples from this module are released by NMBU REALTEK's Institutt for datavitenskap under the conditions of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike).
